
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
- Name:
- Javier
- Surname:
- Bronchud Gea
- Birth date:
- 04/02/1990
- Adress:
- C/ Rio segura, 16
- Phone number:
- 645751930 / 960052495
- City:
- Valencia
- Postal Code:
- 46520
- Contact:
Work experience:
- Ocupation: Exploitation of computer systems technician
- Length: 03/2010 - 06/2010
- company: ESEI servicios informaticos
Ocupation: Computer system management superior technician
- Length: 03/2012 - 06/2012
- company: SERVINCO serveis informatics
Ocupation: Amateur football referee
- length: temporada 2013/2015
- company: Federacion Futbol Comunidad Valenciana
- Exploitation of computer systems:
- IES Camp de morvedre 09/2008 - 06/2010
- Tittle: Exploitation of computer systems technician
Computer system management:
- IES Camp de morvedre 09/2010 - 06/2012
- Tittle: Computer system management superior technician
de sistemas informaticos
Web application development
- IES Camp de morvedre 09/2015 - Today
- Tittle: In progress
Other languages :
- Spanish
- conversation: native
- writing: native
- reading: native